In an era dominated by selfies and social media, the desire for aesthetic perfection has reached new heights. Among the many coveted features, a well-defined jawline stands out as a symbol of youth, vitality, and attractiveness. As trends evolve, so do the methods to achieve that chiseled jawline of your dreams. At Austin Plastic Surgery Institute (APSI), we're at the forefront of this revolution, offering a range of cutting-edge procedures tailored to sculpting the jawline of your dreams. Many of the new procedures we offer are minimally invasive and have minimal downtime compared to traditional face and neck lifts.

Led by Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons Dr. Scott Haydon and Dr. Justin Booth, APSI boasts a team of expert injectors and aestheticians dedicated to helping clients achieve their desired aesthetic outcomes. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, APSI offers a suite of advanced jawline procedures that cater to diverse needs and preferences. 

One of our most sought-after treatments is MyEllevate, a groundbreaking procedure designed to lift and redefine the jawline. By utilizing a minimally invasive suture suspension technique, MyEllevate produces remarkable results with minimal downtime, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a quick and effective solution. We perform the procedure in the office or in the surgery center, and can add liposuction, FaceTite, fat grafting, and Morpheus8 for the ultimate neck snatching combo.

Before and After Photos

Facetite is another game changing procedure offered at APSI, harnessing the power of radiofrequency technology to tighten and contour both the neckline and the jawline with precision. This minimally invasive treatment stimulates collagen production and tightens skin, resulting in gradual improvement and long-lasting results. FaceTite can be added on to other procedures like liposuction, or be a stand-alone procedure.

For those looking to address both skin laxity and fat deposits along the jawline, Morpheus8 offers a unique nonsurgical solution. This innovative treatment combines microneedling with radiofrequency energy to tighten skin and remodel tissue, effectively sculpting a more defined jawline. We typically recommend 3 treatments 4-6 weeks apart for optimal results. 

Morpheus8 treatment

Sofwave is another nonsurgical option to tighten the skin. Sofwave’s ultrasound technology revitalizes the skin through innovative stimulation of the production of new collagen. Sofwave’s Ultrasound Technology can lift the eyebrow, chin and neck areas as well as reduces fine lines & wrinkles in a single treatment.

At APSI, we understand that everyone is unique, which is why we offer a personalized approach to jawline enhancement. Our team works closely with patients to develop customized treatment plans that align with their goals and expectations.

In addition to our state-of-the-art technology and procedures, APSI also provides jawline filler treatments to add volume and definition where needed. With the expertise of our skilled injectors, clients can achieve subtle yet striking results that enhance their natural beauty.

When it comes to achieving the perfect jawline, trust the experts at Austin Plastic Surgery Institute to deliver stunning results. If you feel like this is right for you, call to set up your consultation. You will personally meet with Dr. Haydon, Dr. Booth, or our expert injectors at our office in West Lake Hills and discuss the various options. 

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