MOXI™ delivers non-ablative fractionated laser energy deep into the skin to promote the regeneration of new skin cells, reduce pigmented lesions, and improve skin tone. This means you can regain your glow without worrying about downtime.

What is MOXI™?

The MOXI™ Laser by Sciton is the latest non-ablative laser that provides a gentler approach to laser resurfacing. MOXI™. During a MOXI treatment, a handpiece is passed over the surface of the skin, delivering laser energy in a pattern of micro-coagulation zones. The body's natural repair process then kicks in, replacing damaged cells with fresh new ones. Moxi is a great laser treatment option for younger patients, or for older patients who wish to add in maintenance treatments to their existing laser skin care routine. The Moxi treatment results in an overall improvement in skin tone and texture, with minimal downtime.

Austin’s leading Skincare Clinic at APSI

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing where to get your laser treatments is experience. At our institute, our aestheticians, nurses, and board-certified plastic surgeons have years of experience performing surgical and non-surgical procedures such as laser skincare treatments. Our aestheticians understand the intricate details of the MOXI laser procedure and know how to get the best results for our patients. In addition, we are very hands-on and will take the time to get to know you and your individual goals for treatment. We truly care about our patients' results and want you to love your skin. At APSI, we'll do everything we can to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. 

What can MOXI do for me?

The MOXI laser is a great way to treat specific skin concerns that are due to aging, these can include:

  • Pigmented lesions such as sunspots and age spots
  • Melasma
  • Dull overall complexion of the skin
  • Texture of the skin 
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • MOXI can even be used to prevent skin damage and signs of aging before they occur

What are the benefits of MOXI?

The MOXI laser uses a fractional non-ablative wavelength to precisely target damaged skin cells. This advanced technology helps to stimulate the production of new collagen and healthy skin cells. As a result, patients can enjoy improved skin texture, tone, and elasticity. Benefits also include:

  • Little to no downtime
  • Quick and easy 
  • Highly effective 
  • Can apply makeup after 24 hours
  • Simple post care 
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What to expect with the MOXI procedure?

Most people report feeling a mild tingling sensation during MOXI laser treatment. This is due to the short pulses of energy that are delivered to the skin. The energy causes the temperature of the skin to increase slightly, resulting in the sensation of heat or tingling. However, this sensation is generally well tolerated and there is no need for anesthesia or pain medication for most. Although there is no downtime with MOXI, expect to experience some roughness to the texture of your skin over the next few days, this is completely normal and will slough off revealing a brighter complexion underneath.

Who is a candidate for MOXI?

The great thing about MOXI is that it is suitable for all skin types. If you have severe laxity or deep wrinkling that you wish to address, our skilled aestheticians may go over other types of treatment options with you before your procedure. Overall, however, MOXI is an excellent choice for anyone that would like to tackle signs of aging.

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How much downtime is there for MOXI?

With MOXI™, there is minimal downtime and erythema, or redness, allowing patients to return to their daily activities immediately following treatment.

How many treatments will I need for results with MOXI?

For best results, a series of four to six treatments is recommended, spaced four to six weeks apart.

When will I see results from MOXI?

You may benefit from a full course of MOXI treatments; however, patients can expect to see a marked improvement in skin texture and tone within 1-2 weeks after the first treatment.

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