
Who’s Ready For the Big O?

The O-Shot that is.By now you’re likely curious to know what all the hype is surrounding this innovative treatment- and lucky for you, we’re spilling the beans. Getting its name for just one of the great benefits of this treatment, sure enou...

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Can You Exercise After Plastic Surgery?

One big question the Austin Plastic Surgery Institute's board-certified plastic surgeons get a lot from patients is when can they go back to their yoga classes or jogging around Ladybird Lake. (Which, when they ask us that in July, we wonder why they want to be jogging...

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DiVa and the O-Shot Can Revive Your Sex Life

Sometimes you have it and sometimes you don’t. Surprisingly, some 50 percent of women suffer from sexual problems such as a lack of desire, loss of arousal, and an inability to have an orgasm. Many women believe that their loss of orgasms is psychological. But...

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Choosing a Plastic Surgeon. You deserve the total package

As plastic surgery becomes more mainstream, patients are being inundated with advertising and marketing. Choosing a plastic surgeon can be daunting, especially if you don’t have a recommendation from a friend. Google searches can be a crap shoot, and you might...

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Subtraction is Easy. Proportion is Not.

For decades body contouring has been done with liposuction, abdominoplasty and other methods of “subtraction”. What has become more common is to look at the entire body and see if there are areas that could benefit from MORE volume. Traditionally...

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The Procedures The Stars Use To Get Ready For Awards Shows

We here at the Austin Plastic Surgery Institute know that you have lots of big events, including parties to attend during the holiday season, and that you want to look your best. Let's take a look at what the leading actresses do to get ready for their red carpet events for some...

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What To Do After Breast Cancer

A lot of women affected with breast cancer have to face the realities of what to do after their bout with the disease. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This disease affects women of all ages and treatments are chosen that will have the highest chance of providing a cure...

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Mulling Over a Mommy Makeover?

Motherhood is a beautiful thing. The effect it has on your figure? Sometimes not so much.If no amount of exercise or healthy eating is helping you restore your pre-pregnancy physique, fear not: here at Austin Plastic Surgery Institute, we're experts in working with you to...

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Summer = Bikinis

Texas doesn't exactly have year-round summer, but we only have a few months where you can’t be at the pool. That's why they invented Cabo.Are you tired of throwing away countless mailings with girls in bikinis because you just can’t wear t...

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Intimacy Ending in Disappointment

How many times have you watched a movie or TV show when the passionate couple busts the bedroom door down and starts ripping each other’s clothes off?What you don’t ever see is the scene where he or she is unable to “per...

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