Of course, we are all Hell-bent on assuring that our New Year’s resolutions might actually come to fruition this year. For a vast number of people, getting in shape and committing to an exercise program is right up there with improving your diet, weight loss, etc. Obviously, these are not mutually exclusive and in fact they MUST be done together to have the success you want.
Looking good = Feeling good for a lot of folks. At Austin Plastic Surgery Institute, we wholeheartedly endorse this type of lifestyle, but let’s face it- you might need a little something else to get you where you want to be.
For a lot of families, Spring Break and Summer Vacation can be an annual vacation to the beach. It might be the Texas coast, Cabo or the Caribbean, but nonetheless the attire is similar. “I really want to look good in my bikini at the pool†is a comment relayed to me by a ton of my patients. For some it is enhancing their breasts with implants and perhaps a lift.
Conversely, some women have such large breasts that they would never be seen without some sort of coverup, and a breast reduction might be the best thing they’ve ever done. Let’s not forget those who just have a little extra fat or excess skin here or there. Liposuction with or without a Tummy Tuck might finally restore a Mom’s waistline and allow her to wear that bikini she never thought possible.
Lipofilling has become a popular procedure as well. Fat is removed with liposuction and then reinjected into the breasts or buttock area. This is a great choice for women who just want to be a little fuller in their breasts and want to avoid an implant.
February is a great time to come in and see how we can help you achieve your goals. Call us at 512.327.3773 and visit us at www.austinpsi.com to schedule your appointment and get on track for your next vacation.