DiVa and the O-Shot Can Revive Your Sex Life
Sometimes you have it and sometimes you don’t. Surprisingly, some 50 percent of women suffer from sexual problems such as a lack of desire, loss of arousal, and an inability to have an orgasm. Many women believe that their loss of orgasms is psychological. But...
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Intimacy Ending in Disappointment
How many times have you watched a movie or TV show when the passionate couple busts the bedroom door down and starts ripping each other’s clothes off?What you don’t ever see is the scene where he or she is unable to “per...
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PRP: Platelet Rich Plasma
We now offer PRP known as platelet rich plasma into our practice. We obtain the PRP by first drawing your blood and using the centrifuge to separate the plasma from your red blood cells. The plasma can then be used in addition to several services that we offer here like micronee...
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