
What To Do After Breast Cancer

A lot of women affected with breast cancer have to face the realities of what to do after their bout with the disease. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This disease affects women of all ages and treatments are chosen that will have the highest chance of providing a cure...

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Female Version of Viagra?

Have you ever lost a good friend? Someone who was always there for you with a warm smile and a hearty laugh? Someone who'd lift your spirits and put you back on your feet, ready to face the world? I know it sounds silly, but that’s how it felt when I lost my ability...

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Intimacy Ending in Disappointment

How many times have you watched a movie or TV show when the passionate couple busts the bedroom door down and starts ripping each other’s clothes off? What you don’t ever see is the scene where he or she is unable to “per...

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No Longer a Taboo Topic

At the Austin Plastic Surgery Institute my partners and I have performed a procedure called labiaplasty for many years. Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the labia minora. Women who had hypertrophic or enlarged labia minora often had significant problems...

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The Gift of Rejuvenation

We heard from a special helper that APSI has been so good this year that Santa is bringing us not one, not two, but three lasers this Christmas. We are getting the cadillac of laser hair removal machines on the market right now. We are proud to be bringing on board the Syn...

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