From the Neck Up – Plastic Surgery for Men
Dr. William H. Gorman, plastic surgeon with Austin Plastic Surgery Institute, discusses with us male focused facial procedures.While it is true that in the past most cosmetic surgery patients have been women and this is certainly been the case in my practice of over 30 years, t...
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Skin Care Treatments for Men
Men, let's be honest and talk. You are aging, the texture of your skin is changing, and all those hard working days are starting to show. Perhaps you are starting to see age spots or sunspots, little red vessels around your nose and cheeks, or wild hairs that can’...
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Picking the Breast size for you!
This month Dr. Scott Haydon's nurse, Wanda, gives us a brief overview of what to consider when picking your size for a breast augmentation. As swimsuit season approaches, lots of women start to agonize over how well they’re going to fill out their bathing...
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10 Steps To Begin A Healthy Eating Lifestyle
Need tips on starting your healthy lifestyle? Tricia set up a few guidelines to get you in the habit of health living!1. Purge your house of all junk food and don't buy more!! It will feel so liberating!2. Determine how many calories you should be eating a day. Th...
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Vacation Surgery – Is Medical Tourism Dangerous?
The APSI Thoughts On Medical Tourism in Plastic SurgeryIt is now summer and Americans often do what we do best in these warm months, we vacation. For those having thoughts about undergoing a cosmetic surgery, it can be enticing to consider combining a vacation with recove...
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Top Ten Reasons to Attend APSI’s Open House
Austin Plastic Surgery Institute is hosting an open house for our skin care clinic on April 30, 2015 from 9-5. This is why you should go:1) Satisfy your curiosity and get your questions answered about various fillers, botox, and skin care products and treatments with no pressure...
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The APSI 411 on Liposuction
Would you believe it? The concept of liposuction has been around since the 1920s? However, the currently accepted modern and safe methods for the surgery were developed in the mid-1980s. Since that time, liposuction has become one of the most successful and...
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The APSI Guide to Breast Augmentation Surgery
For more than a decade, breast augmentation surgery has been one of the most popular (if not the most popular) cosmetic surgery performed at Austin Plastic Surgery Institute. Over this same time period, we have seen immense controversy and scrutiny aimed at breast augmentat...
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Willpower, Weight Loss, and Wishes for the New Year
For those who make New Year's resolutions, weight loss or healthier eating is typically ranked highly among them. In our specialty of plastic surgery, attaining a healthy weight increases the success and reduces the risk of complications in both our cosmetic and recon...
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How to Get Your Skin Ready for Fall
With the sun setting earlier and the leaves beginning to turn, it can only mean one thing…summer is officially over. As the temperature outside begins to change, it's important to change your skin care regimen. To ensure that your skin stays smooth and vibrant throug...
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